If you don’t know, now you know


To my fellow Tech students:

If you haven’t gotten to know me during my time at Tech, at this time you have approximately 155 Days 18 hours and 44 odd minutes to do so…because after August 3, 2007, I’M OUT OF THIE PIECE BEECHES! HAIL YEAH!

I turned in my degree petition today and paid my fee. My advisor and I planned out my last semester in this place and it’s looking pretty good. My only REAL class is Biology (which I’m taking as an elective…imagine that) and the rest are filler classes, and then of course there’s my senior thesis. I’m kind of excited about that last part. It’ll be a study of the evolution of Black Greeks since 1904. (For the uninformed, the first Black Greek Letter organization was actually Sigma Pi Phi …but it was for college graduates.)

So finally my mother can stop asking when I’m going to graduate everyday (she honestly does…my parents are trying to retire and for some reason they can’t do so until I graduate. It’s not like they pay for my tuition anyway *rolls eyes).

Next task is to do well in my classes…and you know…find a job…

They say college is what you make it and I definitely believe that’s true. I remember I initially thought that college would be like it was on a Different World. People would be outside studying under trees, professors would be personal and care about you…you’d have lots friends and go to parties…you’d find a wife/husband there and such…

For my personal checklist of college experiences…
First love…check
First heartbreak…check
Become a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha…check
Fantastic academic semester…check
Booty academic semester…check
Night of drunkenness to the point of upchuck…check
Get national recognition for talents…check
Become a campus leader…check
Attend a house party…check

Things to do:
Night of alcohol to the point of just tipsy fun…
Road trip…
Casual Dating…
Find B-U-D-D-Y (a la musiq)…
Study under a tree…
Go camping…

Other things I’m curious about but haven’t done and more than likely won’t do for various reasons…:
Player-ette phase…
Random hook up experience…
Passionate affair (not like infidelity I mean a passionate relationship)

Now that I can see graduation as a tangible thing happening in the not so distant future, I kind of want to spend more time making sure I finish strong academically. If that means I won’t get to finish my list, that’s okay. I suppose there’s always time for that later, right? (LOL probably not…)

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