Idiot females


Some idiot females claimed they were sexually assaulted at some frat parties recently. My opinion about these kind of situations are harsh I admit, but man…

one police report said,

“she had been drinking a few shots and mixed drinks with friends. She further added that the drink were made in the suspect’s room…she then told the police that she remembers everything up until 1 am and she awoke around 11 am without her shirt. She was unclear as to what really happened but she suspects there had been inappropriate sexual contact…the victim was able to provide the first name of the suspect but was not able to provoke more.”

Drinking in some dude’s room that she didn’t know…with so called “friends” that left her to be groped, unless she wasn’t even there with “friends” in the first place…a few shots and some mixed drinks are pretty potent all together aren’t they?

The second…

“she had been drinking before the alleged incident. The victim recalls that her boyfriend had passed out in his room and shortly after she had climbed up into her boyfriend’s loft. She stated that she was unclear as to what happened after but was wakened by a white male in the bed touching her inappropriately; she realized that she had been disrobed. Initially, the victim had mistaken the individual as her boyfriend but immediately realized he was a stranger.”

Could be just me, but going to frat parties with your boyfriend? Do people really do that? Do people have locks on their doors? If her boyfriend was passed out, why didn’t she try to help him…couldn’t he have been sick from alcohol poisoning?

Regardless though, the common denominator in both of these incidents is drunkedness. Ladies, you created those situations for yourselves. Nobody told you to drink to the point you couldn’t even be conscious. I don’t know, I put these kinds of people in the same catergory as those who sue companies like McDonalds because they are greedy tubbies who can’t control their own eating habits. If you can’t be mature enough to drink responsibly, then don’t try to be the victim when you put yourself in dangerous situations. Stick to Welches sparkling grape juice and sprite remix. It’s like suing a gun company because you shot yourself with a gun you knew was working and loaded….

MAN that makes me angry…

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