I was robbed!


No seriously.

Spent today killing time while Frog had his interview.

Came back and noticed police in my building’s parking lot.

It was actually kind of funny, I was like “why the popo here? There are two too! Two popo’s!”

Joked that I should go in the front just to be nosy, but didn’t.

Went to the elevator and some neighbors were getting off. I was like, “what happened? Was there another burglary?”

And the lady said, “there was, and we think it was your unit. I’m so sorry, the police are up there now.”

I thought she was joking.

Thought it was a mistake…

Went up there…popo outside my door talking to a member of the HOA board.

I really was robbed!

They got in with a crowbar, but they didn’t take much…

Just my work laptop (waste of time it’s encrypted) and my tablet. (About to be a waste of time because work will shut it off remotely).

Kind of confused that they didn’t take more because you know me, you know what I’m about and what I have around here…

But yeah mostly creepy that they cased me out to know when I wouldn’t be home.

I’m not sure that the shock has kicked in yet…but I am glad they didn’t take my good stuff.

It could have been a lot worse.

Now I just feel like I need to sit in front of my door with my katana for when they come back.

Seriously if they don’t have a gun, I can do some serious damage with this or a broomstick as I’m a multi-state champion in kenpo.


To be honest, I didn’t get upset until I realized they took Erica (my tablet). :(

Calling a guy to reinforce my lock in the morning.

And trying to put in this security system now….

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  • December 18, 2012 at 9:12 am

    Sorry to hear that. Glad you are okay and that they didn’t take anything you couldn’t live without. The worst part is the feeling of being violated. You might find that your place feels ‘dirty’ or contamintated for a while afterward. Do you have contents insurance?

    Interstingly, a flat I used to live in was broken into and all that was taken was my computer. When I came home, I sensed something was amiss. Then I realized my computer, which I kept ‘hidden’ under the sidetable, was gone. Nothing else taken, everything exactly as I had left it when I left that morning. There was no sign of entry, so I suspected it was an “inside” job.

    • December 26, 2012 at 9:32 pm

      Sadly my deductible makes what they took moot. My tablet was worth 500 bucks and my deductible was 500 bucks. :(

      Not worried about the work laptop as all my stuff was backed up anyway (does it to the cloud daily)…couldn’t claim it anyway as it’s property of my company.

  • December 18, 2012 at 7:01 pm

    Oh em gee, SO sorry to hear that, honey!
    Urgh, I hate that that happened to you. Like Homie P said, that feeling of having your private space invaded is just the worst.

    Our old home was burgled 2ce, both times by armed guys, while family members were home. This world is crazy.
    You stay safe!

    • December 26, 2012 at 9:32 pm

      I cannot actually imagine being burglarized while at home. Terrifying!

  • December 26, 2012 at 9:27 pm

    […] The family was more civil than usual this holiday season. I think it’s because of recent events. […]


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