I hate, chu, I hate Chu…on and you too…bishes

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Sometimes I think ATLins are some of the no drivingist people around. I was chauffeuring one of my line sisters around and observed some pet peeves…

People who don’t use turning signals.

HELLO! Guess what you selfish piece of leftover rectum, you are not the only person on the street. How about you notify someone before you cut in front of them?! Perhaps they MIGHT even let you over! Bish.

People who fly like bats out of hail.

Wow guys, it’s the middle of downtown, raining, nighttime, and slippery. How about you not drive like you’re the only one on the road on a straightaway in the middle of nowhere?

People who don’t let other people over.

For real? For true? Are you really SO absorbed in yourself that you can’t let someone over so they won’t crash into a construction barrel and possibly be hurt? You selfish spurt of vaginal discharge….

People who honk at other people to holler and/or give props for their car?

Really Ray Ray? We’re on the highway going 70 miles per hour. Why are you pulling up to me trying to carry on a conversation…with your ugly ass-gard?!

It’s all worth it though when people try their best to get by you only to get passed up and even left behind at the next light.

I just drive by and yell, “yeeeeeeah bish.”

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  • October 18, 2006 at 7:24 pm

    I definitely know what you mean. And struggle with this all the time. I may have a star playing who is doing well, but damn if somebody walks up to the sidelines and I’m recruiting (just in case). That just in case ALWAYs gets my ass in trouble. ANd next thing you know, I’m wiping the team completely and rebuilding. And when it’s recruiting season, well damn it’s quite fun and tiring at the same time.


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