Hump Day


I just realized that all I had to eat yesterday was 4 chocolate chip cookies and a bottle of water. I’m not even too hungry now, but I know I should eat something…maybe I’ll grill some shish kabobs.

(I don’t have an eating disorder or anything…just making a switch on some medicine and loss of appetite is a side effect)

I even made a few changes to the sidebar ->
– categorized the links
– added radio KaNisa (it’ll be functional as actual music streams as soon as I get back to the land of high speed internet)
– changed the like you said from a listing of recent posts to some of my favorite entries

…So today has been all right, paid a bill, dropped some books off at the library, heard a song that used to have so much meaning and it didn’t affect me at all. It’s been a good day.


MY COMPUTER IS BROKEN!!! I feel like I’ve lost a leg.

The way it happened was so stupid…I got a wonderful idea to do maintenance on the computer and came across this program called Registry Mechanic. Basically, it clears out all the junk on your computer and has it running faster and more efficiently. I used it on the home system, and it worked beautifully, so I tried it out on MY computer…

It won’t even load XP now.

Not in safe mode or any other mode.

I cried.

I tried a few Microsoft fixes that used something called “recovery console” and got it to load XP again, but something went wrong…

Not only will the recovery console not load, but now my monitor won’t even work.

I’ve decided to just leave it alone and take it to be fixed.

I hope I don’t loose all my files…(LOL I’m more concerned about losing my custom sim files than actual important documents…silly me)

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