Hope Chest Entry #3


Was in bed this morning trying to get inspiration to get up (sometimes I wish church started earlier so you could be out by 11, but Mother’s country church starts at almost 12). my mind drifted to how I like to nourish people, spawning a couple of more entries into my Hope Chest. Here are a few new scenarios.

The Nurse

One of my favorite fantasies is to nurse the husband/boyfriend back to health, especially if they have a particularly heinous cold. I think for the most part, I would apply and embellish upon what my mother did for me back in the day.

In my fantasy, I’d dress him in one of those Hanes undershirts and some boxers (minimal clothing for his fever).Before he goes to sleep for the night, I’d rub him down with Vicks Vapor Rub (I swear that stuff is so great) to help with respiration. I’d wake him up every once in a while to give him orange juice (or Sunny D, whichever is preferred) and reapply Vicks as needed. I wouldn’t be too far in case he needed me….maybe across the room in a rocking chair sewing (I keed, I keed)…I guess the modern version of that would be: “I’d be across the room in a rocking chair working on my laptop.”

During the day I’d sit him up on some pillows and put his favorite movie or shows on a nearby TV. He’d also eat traditional stuff like soup and sammiches.

(Yeah so I bet you think “relations” was supposed to be somewhere in this fantasy, right? Not all of my fantasies involve “relations” you know. Besides a fevered penis might be too…hot…hmm….)

The Side-Vagina

Now for marriage I have a lot of ideas on how to keep the spice. The “Side-Vagina” idea is based on the fact that sometimes you want to be spontaneous and have some kind of dangerous excitement.

This scenario would take place during the weekend. Husband and I would spend the entire day separated, him with his boys me with my girls or with family or whatever. When night comes though, we’d meet somewhere like a club with said boys and girls.

There we’d wear our previously purchased out of character (at least on my part) apparel. (I might even wear a wig or something.) And we’d role play being two people who have never met. Now the continuation of this Scenario is in an Uncensored part of this site, but to be short, said Husband and I would be all “hot and heavy” in the club and eventually end up at a hotel somewhere instead of home.

He could have his forbidden fantasy of tapping the buttocks of a stranger while married, and I could have mine of being the “bad” girl who responds to REALLY BAD pick up lines in the club and gives away the vagina anyway because dude is attractive.

Home From Work

This is another scenario I have several versions of, however this one is much more tame. Sometimes, as a black male, it’s extra hurtful to be patronized on the job. After a hard day of “persecution” at work, they feel run down and beaten by Whitey “the man.”

On such a day, upon reading the expression of Husband when he arrives home, I would be sure to let him know through a series of events, that he is the head of at least one operation (of course you might be like he’s the what What WHAT KaNisa? You seem like you would be averse to that idea. Having some male control you? But it’s not about control, dearies, at least on his part. You know that saying, “the man is the head of the household, but the woman is the neck…”)

So upon his arrival I’d give him a kiss that would let him know that he is very much desirable and then rush to get his favorite slippers. I’d hand him a beer (or whatever type of alcohol he likes), push him toward a TV, and toss a newspaper his way so he can veg while I put the finishing touches on dinner.

At the table, I’d make small talk, not wanting to prod too much as I know some people just don’t want to talk that much when they’re upset, (I’m one of those people myself). After dinner, I’d push him out the door to de-stress with some physical activity whether that’s working out, doing yardwork (hey that’s what I do!), or playing ball with his boys.

When he returns this time, I’d expect him to be significantly less stressed. He’d take his shower and would theoretically be more frisky after reasserting his manhood. I’d let him have his way with me for the 15 or so minutes he’d probably last, (as he’d be tired after such a long day), letting him know the he was the man and that he could handle his business in the process (of course not using those words, lol, you know how us women do…). Finally, he’d fall asleep, reinserted in his role of “the man” and ready to take on the world.

Wow I am so idealistic about marriage, that’s hilarious…lol

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