Hope Chest Entry #2


I decided to start a new Category. Some may remember me referring to something called a Hope Chest. As a reminder, traditionally it’s something that a single woman collects linens and things in for when she’s married. I started my own version of my hope chest for the next boyfriend (of course it wouldn’t have linens but certain clothes or coupon books…)

In light of recent events and new life decisions I’ve made, I’ve decided to go forego the junior hope chest and make just make a real one for my future husband rather than boyfriend. Today I’d like to make a new entry.

I think that’ it’s as important for mothers to celebrate Fathers Day as it is for a father’s children to do the same. A father doesn’t have to take care of his children. A father doesn’t have to be doting and loving. A father doesn’t have to provide for his family. A father doesn’t even have to be a good role model, but good father does anyway.

That’s why when I get married, even if my husband and I decide not have children for a while, we will be celebrating Father’s Day every year to celebrate how great a father he WILL be.

I’ve written out day plans and song playlists for those special days, and those pages will be the next entry into the hope chest. I hope that one day I will be lucky enough to put them to use.

Scenario One

I’d let Him sleep as long as he wants. Once I know He’s just about to wake up, I’ll bring him breakfast in bed and turn the TV in the bedroom on His favorite childhood TV show. (Which I will have on DVD).

After breakfast/vegging out, I’ll give him his first presents which will be a brand new outfit of the expensive variety he likes and the keys to his dream car (which I rented and kept at the neighbors for surprise purposes) .

Each year he’ll also receive a brand new pair of golf clubs. They will be waiting for him at the course along with his best buds who are also fathers/future fathers where they will spend the afternoon pretending that they’re good at golf and bragging what their wives/kids did for them so far today.

When he comes home, he will have his favorite dinner waiting for him…something like an inch thick medium well grilled steak meal. First course of desert will be his favorite kind of pie. Second course will be…*nudge nudge wink wink* all night long or just late enough so he won’t be too tired for work the next day.

Scenario Two

Once again, he can sleep until a reasonable time. Then I’ll wake him up by [censored]. After he has “emotions.” I’ll feed him breakfast and we’ll go into round two. Which entails [censored] in another room of the house. After “emoting” at least two more times, it will be lunch time which will be served in the kitchen and be promptly followed by more [censored]. We will continue through different rooms of the house this way. After four through six, we’ll have a break so that I may prepare dinner and so he can recover. Around eight or so, there will be a special candlelight dinner featuring food that can be eaten without utensils such as buttery snap green beans, some type of seafood like crab legs, and an alcoholic beverage. After desert which will also be consumed without utensils, we will cleanse ourselves in that bathroom and engage in more [censored] until he can’t move anymore.

(clearly this will be a scenario that will happen closer to the time when children are ready to be had as such fertilization is bound to produce something down there…)

Scenario Three – with the children

This time, the children will be fixing breakfast while I help them so they don’t burn the house down. They’ll set up his breakfast on the back porch which will have a ceiling fan and a view of our well manicured back yard. Smooth Jazz will be playing and we will enjoy a beautiful morning together. Next, as per custom, Dad will take his dream car of the moment along with his son(s) to the golf course to meet up with other fathers and sons for their yearly golf tournament. I and any daughters will dress up (me in an enticing way so my husband can brag) and cheer them on with our big brimmed hats and/or umbrellas. After my family’s team wins, we’ll return to the house and the boys will take naps while I and my daughters prepare dinner. You see, the sons get to be celebrated a little too to encourage them to be good fathers as well. Once we all enjoy our dinner, the kids will be shipped of to their grandparents, and my husband and I will have a mini version of scenario two until they come home.

So that was a peek into my little Father’s Day plans. Of course the actual write up of them is more detailed and descriptive, but people don’t need to know all the perks of being “Mrs. “Mr. KaNisa right?


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