Homestead Eve?


Last day of being a renter (hopefully).

Did the last walkthrough yesterday afternoon. At the time of writing this, all that’s left is getting the settlement statement to see the final numbers of what I need to bring to the table.

I don’t know why I’m still so nervous. Its like report card day. You vaguely know what your grades will be, but for some reason, they’re still a surprise.

When all is said and done, I’ll outline all the steps for record’s sake, and for the curious…

In other news…

Current marathon mode is Orange is the New Black. Pretty good! Interesting character stories. Kind of interesting how minimum security prisons are portrayed to be like summer camps.

Or you know, Georgia Tech…

ETA : Just got the Statement! The Good Faith Estimate was off by about $2,000…IN A GOOD WAY!

Mo money! Less problems!

I am now officially excited about tomorrow!

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