

I recognize that I can be a glass half empty kind of girl, but I think it’s good to have some healthy skepticism when things happen out of the blue.

Not sure if it’s because my brain is still in the Ender universe or what (I just finished Ender’s Shadow)…there’s a part of the book where they quickly promote a lot of the students they have confidence in because something is about to go down and they need to have the right people in place…

I’m still on PTO for the wedding (going back tomorrow) and just got a text from my manager. Was SO not going to answer, but did anyway because me.

She told me I’ve been promoted.

I didn’t know I was up for one…it’s not even my assessment time.

I’ve been doing the functional work of this level for a while now, but with this promotion comes the extra expectations on the firm side.

The business development side.

The schlepping.

It’s where they build your skills in BS.

I’m horrible at BS…I’m an honest person who tells it like it is.

But now, not only do I have the people side to manage, I’m also responsible for more proposal work, red penning people’s work, more strategy sessions, late nights downtown…

…and being groomed to take over entire contracts (the next promotion).

I know I can do this, it’s just the speed at which this is happening that makes me weary.

I know the answer to “why me,” just fuzzy on the question of “why now.”

I don’t trust it…


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In the 100 Worlds


  • June 30, 2014 at 7:14 pm

    Congratulations, sort of . . . I can empathize and can only suggest that you stay true to yourself. This is a major step, and an opportunity to evaluate your career path in this company. Hopefully you are given the room to breathe to consider the promotion.

    I don’t think you’re a glass-half-empty kind of person. You are just realistic. And look how far you’ve come and how well you’ve done being that way.

    • July 1, 2014 at 11:18 am

      Thanks Patrice!

      I think I’m starting to see more of the “why now” part…I have two 3-hour meetings after COB next week for proposal workshops. I guess it would be weird if someone at my previous level was in those as it’s all senior people for the most part…

      I really think it’s a shallow bench situation, at least initially…


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