Had to take a L


It was a really nice day day today.

The sky was blue with just a few clouds.

The temperature was perfect, just warm enough to not have a coat on, but still not too hot.

The white people were out throwing around random things. (Passing through the Greek area, they were throwing around baseballs, footballs, and bean bags)

I actually walked to class, not because I missed the Stinger, but because I actually wanted to.

And I missed a midterm exam.

I thought we didn’t have class today and then the test on Friday so I’d gone to African American Literature , the one thing I will get up for no matter what because there’s nothing like it. Even though I was late, I couldn’t help but smile as I approached the classroom and heard Curits Mayfield drifting down the hall…

After that was work, which was drama as usual. Apparently some fourteen year old child was accidentally outed to be bisexual and the school was in civil unrest. The administration holed up in a room and sent all the kids home…

After that fiasco, went home and called around to restaurants as it is my turn to plan Phirst Pham this Friday. The original plan was to visit Sambucca, but they wanted a 10 dollar cover charge and a two drink minimum. College students are cheap, had to find something else.

All other jazz clubs were 21+or expensive by college standards so I just decided to have an outing to see Dave Chappelle’s Block Party and call it a day. The first K event I went to as a college student was a Phirst Pham outing to see Barber Shop 2 so I guess it isn’t too out of place.

After spending a few hours on that, I decided to take a nap so I could get up and study for this mid term I had Friday. After I woke up I went to the website to see if a study guide was posted and saw that the exam was March 1…and that that we had no class Friday. I’d thought it was reversed. Didn’t go to class March 1, thought exam was Friday…so I just dropped the class. Most of what was going on in there was over my head anyway. Hurts my hours though, I feel like I’ll be at this armpit school forever…

I wanted to take summer classes this summer, but I don’t know how that will work since housing deadline already passed…gotta have somewhere to live…maybe it’ll all work out, somehow.

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