Haaiiiiilll Yeeeah


My computer is back to normal, thank GOD! Ironically though, I haven’t been spending that much time on it. I’m trying to find reasons to leave the house as much as possible, just to add variety to life.

Today we went to “the city” for a few errands. Oh and for the record, if you work in retail and someone asks you a question, don’t pretend you know what you’re talking about and recommend a product just so you can feel helpful.

I swear, I asked this guy about a cord I needed for my computer, and I guess he assumed that since I was female, I didn’t know anything about computer hardware…he was like use this instead. I asked him if he was sure because the cord I had already picked up seemed like it would do the trick. He looked at me like I was stupid and was like “no, it’s this one,” with an implied “you don’t know what you’re talking about little girl.”

Now one part of me wanted to say, “beech…” but I decided to take a chance and buy the thing.

That was yesterday. I went back to return the thing today and picked up my original cord. I wanted to find that guy and kick him in the knee, but alas, I didn’t see him.

I got a hold of my old high school friend. She won’t be able to come to town, but she’s going to include me in her birthday festivities in October…the big 2-1. She’s planning on coming up to Atlanta, staying out all night, and clubbing until dawn (or 2 whatever). I informed her that I won’t be the appropriate clubbing age until next April, but she didn’t really care…said something about getting me an id. That’ll be a challenge, I don’t even look like I’ve lived 20 years now! We’ll see though.

20 years?! I’m twenty?! Weird…I don’t even believe it…


That girl makes me laugh …she wrote a letter to the president of her university stating that she didn’t feel she should have to pay certain fees (student activity fee or athletic fees) because there were no student activities or athletic buildings. And then she complained about the building fee for a new student center they’re building. She said she felt she would not benefit as the building would not be completed until after she graduated. LMAO! She actually wrote that and is expecting an answer!

I feel like such a bad person for not keeping in touch over these years, she really is a cool person. Her and I are like complete opposites, I’m sensitive, shy, and reserved, she’s hard, bold, and outgoing. Just one guy in one relationship is enough for me, while she likes to keep a harem of males who will bend to her will. I really mean that too! She’s got people paying for her gas, getting her into clubs, satisfying her in every way and I mean EVERY WAY! And she’s proud of it too! I guess we get along so well because we’re a mirror reflection of the person we try to hide. I mean I’ve said before that I wish I could be more outgoing and less prudish, and she wishes she had my kind of…i guess innocence.

I remember in high school, I was kind of her grounding force that kept her from going completely buck wild and she was my window to the worldly ways of the world. We both have gone through a lot since then, and it’s interesting to see that even though we’ve both changed, the essence of our friendship has remained the same.

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