Going home Eve


Last night of being around normal people and I’m savoring every millisecond. I think that’s one thing I have never had to learn, to cherish every moment because I’ve always understood that they never last forever.

Poor little me will be at home looking pitiful tomorrow as I don’t know anyone there…playing Sims with roommates and friends as the main characters…reading books about people with social lives…maybe even return to sad people on black planet if the boredom is extreme…lol…

(It so funny how I’m acting like I don’t have a paper due tomorrow morning…I suppose I should start on it….ah well)

Oh and for your people from the ATL, you should really check out Atlantic Station! It’s really wonderful, especially around this time of year. Not only do they have mid/high priced stores like Ann Taylor and Banana Republic, but they also have nice themed activities that you can enjoy for free such as (with 5 dollar donation) carriage rides and store window decoration contests (you know how those shopping avenues in New York decorate their windows…same thing). It would be a nice place to go when after dark with a sweetheart…


word of the day: niglet
(courtesy of Rhonda)

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