God was a Tre.


He was!

The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit…

The Way, the Truth, and the Light…

The HOLY TRInity!


Just accept it. Us Tres are the elite. THE ELITE I TELL YOU!

In other news…

D.on Im.us…blah, blah, blah…

The directorate of AKA sent out a letter to encourage us to divest in the major media companies (NBC, CBS, ABC) until they agree to legislation against racist/sexist media.

Blah, Blah, Blah….

Meanwhile, Comicview on Black Exploitation Television continues with similar and more racist comments.

*rolling my eyes

Whatever, I’m still watching Grey’s Anatomy.

In still other news…


3 pts. Being hit on by the person of the same sex.
(My response: “I’m sorry. I like penis”)
10 pts. Acquiring personalized penis (boyfriend)
3 pts. Discussing the benefits of going to class vs. staying in bed with personalized penis

I remember discussing such things with my mother: the whole notion of sleeping with a person of the opposite sex (in the very literal sense of the word.)

I agree with Mr. M. Jackson when he said sharing a bed with someone is a very intimate bonding experience.

My mother says it is a blatant invitation for penis insertion.

She was all:


When a male wakes up in the morning…

He has an erection…

And he can’t help but penetrate.

Okay ma.

Is it not true that some erections are not accompanied by sexual feelings?

Like back in the day when penis holders were randomly like BAYUM! in gym class?

I mean, I guess it would be hard to not have such feelings, especially if the dude liked the girl and was attracted to her…


But that’s a shame she doesn’t think males have any self control…

Wow my opinion is sounding more and more absurd. If I were a dude, I’d probably be like “Right here! Right now,” every morning…

Let us turn to academia for an explanation.


First, what is this phenomena?

According to Wikipedia:

In anatomy and physiology, nocturnal penile tumescence, is the spontaneous occurrence of a penile erection during sleep in the absence of any sexual stimulation. All men who are physically able to achieve erection do so during sleep, typically several times in a night[1]. It typically happens during REM sleep and it is not uncommon for an erection to be present when a man wakes up.

Okay. Well what causes this phenomenon?

According to everything2.com:

Morning wood is God’s way of keeping you from pissing your pants while you’re asleep. As your bladder fills up while you’re sleeping, it starts to push on your prostate gland, causing the penis to become erect.

This was also an explanation:

A morning erection – or, popularly, “morning wood” – is the natural reaction to the blood flow that’s now surging through your body, which was laying dormant while you were sleeping.

Compare this with a common female reaction which is waking up with pointy and erect nipples – usually a sign of sexual arousal (or a chilly environment), but in this case, as totally unrelated to sex as the male morning erection.

Go Ask Alice.com says:

Many men think their penises are erect upon waking because of urine buildup in the bladder, but this is false. Morning erections are technically nighttime erections which happen during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep…these spontaneous woodies in the wee hours are caused by specific neuroreflexes that are stimulated during REM sleep.

Nighttime/morning erections can be noticeably harder or stiffer than those had when awake. The penis can stay erect for up to two hours nightly*, and not all men who have erections during the night wake up with one in the morning.

*Awwwright! Get it when they sleep ladies! (I keed, I keed)

Anyway, I hope you are all more informed now.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

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  • April 24, 2007 at 10:33 am

    the science of morning wood…
    i have been informed. thank you

  • April 30, 2007 at 2:31 am

    So, basicly in the middle of the night when they’re in REM state is the best time? j/k That was very informative. Many ppl think it’s sexual reasons.

  • May 13, 2007 at 11:35 pm

    wow… i have no idea how i came across your blog, but you are FUNNY as hell!!! anyway, like Michelle^^ said, i have been informed! lol


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