Fun with Perjury

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Had my first little college experience of the semester…

So it was Friday and my roommates’ line sister was hanging out in our apartment. It was her 22nd birthday and they were trying to figure out what to do. It was getting late though, (about midnight) too late to pay money and go to a club or anything like that, so they decided to go to Dave and Busters.

And they invited me…

If you don’t know about Dave and Buster’s, it’s kind of like an adult arcade/restaurant /billiards lounge..and it’s 21 and up.

While I was flattered that they asked me, I told them I wasn’t 21 yet…

They didn’t even think twice, a roommate that wasn’t going gave me her ID.

I was like, really? I’m supposed to pass myself off as a 23 year old?! I don’t even look 20! And we don’t even look that much alike…

However, I considered all those times when I was like “boo me I never do anything…everyone is having fun college experiences but me…” And I thought, why not?

So we all got dressed and I was getting kind of nervous because they were talking about times when they got caught when trying to get into a club…I’m thinking “I’m going to get carried off to jail…” They told me to memorize her ID just in case, which I did…I can rattle it off now even, lol..

So we get there and there wasn’t a line or anything…I was told to get in between my two companions for believability’s sake…

We got to the door and the birthday girl went through.

Then it was my turn.

“And how old are you,” inquired the doorman as he took my ID.

“Twenty-three…I know I look younger, you have no idea how much trouble I have convincing people, it’s ridiculous”

“Yeah I bet you get carded all the time. Have a nice night,” he smiled and let me pass.

I was still shaking 20 minutes afterward…especially since a huge group of policemen were standing by the door looking at me suspiciously.

But yes we got through and I wobbled toward the arcade area…

Now I know Dave and Buster’s isn’t exactly a classy place, but why can’t people keep their eyes in their own sockets? It’s so degrading when you walk past a group of males and they look at you like you’re a piece of meat…

And why is it that only the non-aesthetically pleasing ones approach you?

I got one drunk and/or high guy who offered to help me cheat at skee-ball…he was just talking about bowling and I don’t even know what…and he wouldn’t go away either! I was like

*walks away*

Then while we were waiting for one of those basketball free throw games, there was this one dude who was about my height and around 36, lol…

“You waiting to play this game?”

No I’m standing here for no reason.

“Yes, we’re waiting for a few to be free so we can play together.”

“Oh okay. Do you mind if I take this one then?”

“No go ahead”

“You know you real cute. You got a man.”

*cast sidelong “for real?!” glance at companions*

“Sure do.”

“What’s his name?”

Aw, crap…um…


“Is he here?”


“Oh okay how long have ya’ll been going out?”

“Eight months”

“Oh okay then not long. What’s your name?”


“Oh okay Lisa. Are you going to ask what my name is?”
Let’s ask a better question. Do I care what your name is?

“Oh I’m sorry, what’s your name?”

“(insert name I honestly don’t remember here)”

“So Lisa, can I get your number?”

“No, that wouldn’t be right.”

“Aw, I respect that. (insert whatever else he was saying here because I stopped paying attention, lol)”

I noticed that whole exchange isn’t much different than the online bp experience. Don’t know whether to be alarmed about that or not…

The last guy didn’t approach, thankfully, but he stared for a good minute. I suggested that the group vacate to a different area….

Overall the experience was entertaining. I’m glad that I went and actually did something collegy this weekend… probably won’t make it habit to sneak into 21+ places though seems like everyone is caught at least once and I only have a couple more months to wait…

P.S. Radio KaNisa is playing jazz all week. Dave Koz is first because he’s my favorite contemporary artist…man if you didn’t see him on the Saxophonic tour, then you REALLY missed out…

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1 Comment

  • September 12, 2005 at 7:48 am

    Ah man thats crazy, I cant believe they actually let you in, I never get into D&B after a certain time. When I see you I shall call you Lisa.


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