Friday Observations


Ode to Cinnamon Twists from Einstein Bagels

Oh how cinamony you are,
To get you I don’t need a car,
For only 99 small cents,
Your sugary goodness tastes good.

(Alright so I’m no poet, but dang it, those things are tasty!)

Random observations for today

Male gets ready for fun

As I was walking to my car on the way to a meeting, I saw this dude carrying two full bottles of Everclear and a bullhorn. I don’t know where he was going, but I’m sure it was about to be a good time had by all.

Becky doesn’t get memo about the weather

It’s bitterly cold in most of the US right now. On a morning when it was 28 degrees, this chick had on some booty shorts, flip flops, AND had the NERVE to have a big ole coat on. FOR WHAT?!?! That makes no sense whatsoever…

Movie Sparks Memories of Way Back When

I saw a trailer of the movie Bl.ood & Choc.olate. That title sounded so familiar to me until I realized I read that book when I was in middle school. I remember it was one of the ones we passed around the class because it had “relational” content in it. I hear the movie will not come close to the book through which is pretty unfortunate. (Not because of lack of “relational” content, but just because it was a pretty good book if I remember correctly.)

Sleeping during the day is an automatic trigger for phone calls/text messages

I swear. I was trying to get two winks yesterday before a workshop I was leading…had an away message up along the lines of “don’t call unless it’s a life or death situation because if you do call… and it’s not important…it will end up to be one anyway.” These people calling one after another…text messages…ABOUT THINGS THAT COULD BE FOUND IN EMAILS OR GOOGLED! GRACIOUS!

I didn’t even try to conceal my attitude…shoot 21 hours (18 hours plus 3 internship hours) worth of classes + 4 hours of homework a night + 532 meetings a day = sleepy irate KaNisa with no social life and pent up “relational…”


Nevermind… 0:)

Gender Class Shifts motivation for HAM-mish looks

Now usually I like to dress up and be all feminie as an AKA should. But recent discussions in my Gender class have made me both question the desire to do that as well support this notion of feminimity.

Let me ‘splain.

I’m not afraid to say that I clean up quite nicely…in fact, I can look quite stunning if I want to. However, I don’t like people to think that I present myself that way because I’m an AKA so I always make sure to look normal as much as possible…you know…wear glasses instead of contacts…throw on a sweatshirt instead of some girly sweater…tennis shoes rather than heels…

On the other side of that, I think that dressing in a feminine way makes me walk a little taller. A little makeup here, a fitted skirt there never hurt anyone and I appreciate the appreciative looks I get from that other gender with penises. (And the ones from the haters too HAAAH bet you can’t do it like me…)

So I dont’ know, I’m back and forth with it.

To tell you the truth, my hammishness as of late is just due to me needing to do laundry…lol

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