Friday night. Just got paid.


Went to the mall after work today.

How a about a Caucasian Persuasion lady came up to me and was like:

“You’re the prettiest Black girl I’ve ever seen.”

I just started at her and walked away.

On the upside, I was able to purchase some nice things. I got the following to hang over my sofa (ignore the quality…the pic was taken with my phone):

I guess an appreciation for African art has been instilled in me. The only room that doesn’t have anything from Africa/reminiscent of Africa is my bedroom…and if you count me, that has something African in it too.

I also caved and bought Assassin’s Creed:


For the gamers out there, it’s not as complicated as it looks. At first I was like, “well how can you figure out what to do if you can interact with and climb on everything?” It seems like all that interactivity would make it kinda hard with the unlimited choices. But at the same time, this is by the makers of Prince of Persia who in the past showed you exactly what to do before you had to do it…so it’s not so bad.

In other news…

It’s my first pay day.

. . .

I would be happy about it, but unfortunately, 75% of my check went to bills, rent, and FICA.

Thus is the life of an adult…

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