Friday! Friday! FRIDAY!


*dances furiously

Today had a fantabulous start!

Had an envelope on my desk from a Project Manager :

It was a giftcard for foodstuffs!

Awesome Project Manager is awesome and also cute but that’s besides the point.

So funny how people find ways to address what they’re lacking in real life through their co-workers.

The only attention I get from dudes is in a work capacity, but some of the perks you get from a real life relationship can have some substitutions from those ones.

Like tokens and notes of appreciation for going above and beyond or compliments about your work ethic or mutual disdain for people who don’t work as hard to kill themselves while everyone else has a normal life.

Ex office mate hasn’t worked for us in several months, but we still hang out sometimes. They ran him ragged as they tend to do with really talented people who have weird complexes about never doing enough when they in fact do more than almost everyone.

PM dude is the same way. Super thoughtful and extremely careful about people’s time. He also goes to the ground to fight for people, has crazy tenacity, and is serious about HONOR.

And what’s best, all of these dudes are in relationships! I get my validation through my work AND hilarity based on shared geek interests! No weird stuff or obligations or anything!

Actually now that I think about it, I admire both ex office mate and PM for the same exact reasons…and the types of dudes that catch my eye outside of work are that way as well.

Not hard to find at work because most of the people at my level are that way as a company culture thing.

But it’s actually quite rare outside of work.

Young Grasshopper from last summer is the last dude I encountered in real space that has those qualities.

Or perhaps, dudes like this are already taken, because he is too now lol…

So, so happy for their chicks. That these guys exist makes me have hope too.

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  • September 14, 2014 at 2:35 am

    Now that’s UX!

    • September 14, 2014 at 9:40 pm

      Totally motivated to do my best!


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