Fight the Power


So I’ve been extra black power-y lately. From simple interactions to intellectual ones, I have really been showing my booty.

In between class and a meeting about the Atlanta Race Riots, I had to run back to my room to get my umbrella as I had JUST washed my hair this morning and I didn’t have time to go back to get it after seeing the sky as I was running late to class.

SO as I was walking to my apartment from the trolley stop, it started to sprinkle. I was like, “oh HAIL no!” And to make things worse, the people in front of me were taking their precious time walking AND were taking up the entire sidewalk. In my head I said “Move bishes! Your Caucasian Persuasion hair may dry naturally, but my isht is flat ironed in lieu of a much needed relaxer! ” I eventually made it to my room just as it began to pour down, although looking in the mirror now, my hair is unfortunate…

In other news…

Back to my American culture class, I swear you can tell the political party of the people in there just by the way they talk. We’re talking about the mid 1600’s back when they were killing all the Native Americans off. Everyone was agreeing that they were savages and that the Puritans were all wonderful holier than thou, so I was advocating for the Native American side (1/16 Chickasaw not withstanding). Every time I got called on to speak everyone turned to me like, “what’s the crazy black girl going to say today.” I admit sometimes I just say things to be the devil’s advocate, but I feel like that’s why we need diversity in the classroom; so people can be enlightened to different opinions. Most of the time though, some people are so ignorant and they need to be corrected! I mean, why can’t they think about why the Native Americans might have been hostile. I mean, if someone came to your house and said be out or we’ll kill you, or shoot, just kill you with no warning would you not get upset and try to protect your rights?!

 Whatever though, maybe that’s just me.

I want to say, “Just one day. ONE DAY, take a walk in my shoes. Be a black person at a top Engineering School. Shoot be a BLACK FEMALE!” Our own dudes be hatin’ too…

I can’t wait until we get to Uncle Tom’s Cabin though, that’ll be GREAT fun…it’ll be like “…n*gger…” *everyone turns to look at the black girl

In still other news…

At the race riot event today members of the organization talked about how the school is so messed up. I’ll just mention a few examples:

1. There are frequent rapings, assaults, and burglaries at gunpoint on campus. They tell the housing employees, but not the general student body. There was a raping just last week. Her body was found a few days ago. Why don’t we know about these things? You’d think it’d be important so people know to be more careful. She’s okay now (if you can call it that) she’s recovering in a local hospital.

2. So call for an escort you might suggest. The campus has several services like the police department or a shuttle for such a service. Sure you can do that, but they tell you to wait on the corner for up to 20 minutes in the dark, by yourself, after midnight IN MIDTOWN. How about…no.

3. AND the campus police has a thing for nabbing black males. It’s campus policy that you can’t get into the student center without swiping your student ID in the card reader to unlock the door. So, planning to meet up in the Black Student Organization Office, two students swiped their cards, went to the office, UNLOCKED the office with their keys (they’re officers for a prominent black organization) and commenced studying. Minutes later, the campus police banged on the door, commanded to be let in, and demanded identification of these students. The police took their information down and really just harassed them. It was later revealed that a car near the student center had been robbed and they fit the description.

Gee I wonder what that description was.

Soon you might be hearing of a black people movement at my school…

We’ll see…

Fight the power.

P.S. I’ll really try to tone down KaNisa’s Black Power Movement, LOL… it’s just been a theme for the week in all the BSO’s (black student organizations)

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