Ferst Center Concerts


One of the perks of being a Tech student is the ability to get discounts at Ferst Center Concerts. Every year since freshman year I’ve tried to go to at least one concert per semester and have always been presently surprised, especially since I’ve always managed to get a seat in the orchestra section (which is in spitting distance of the artists…not that I would spit or anything)

Freshman Year

First concert was my first date ever in life to a Peter Cincotti concert. I’d known who he was just through TV shows and everything and I’m a bit of a fan of Harry Connick Jr. so since Peter is his protégée, me and boyfriend went to check him out.

It was really nice. Old couples were looking at us with knowing glances. I definitely recommend Jazz concerts for dates, they are excellent.

Second concert I went to with boyfriend was Dave Koz. OH MY GOODNESS…BEST concert I’ve ever been to in recent years (Michael Jackson ones from back in the day beat all of course). The music..instant classics with me. I bought the CD went home found every CD I could find and put them away. He became my favorite smooth jazz artist that night. That Saxophonic album….WHEW.

Last of the semester was another Dave Koz concert, the Christmas Tour. I brought my parents to experience this one. They did the Christmas classics for the first half and Dave did songs from Saxophonic the second half. Once again, incredibly enjoyable.

Sophomore Year

First concert was Diane Schuur and Karrin Allyson. They were pretty entertaining. Had me thinking band leaders are the most arrogant people ever, but they had reason to think that.

Second concert, Fourplay. I felt a little gypped after this one. The concert was about an hour long and they didn’t have anyone come with them as opening acts or anything. At the end I’m thinking it was an intermission when it was actually over.

Junior Year

I had tickets for concerts, but couldn’t go for reasons that won’t be explained here…*sigh.

Senior Year

I am officially excited. One of the artists from a few entries back, my soundtrack to “Him” from the Collaboration Album, Earl Klugh will be visiting the Ferst Center in concert. I read that today and was like, Woooo-Yeeeah! I’m so excited. He’s one of my favorites, for real.

Diane Schuur and Karrin Allyson will be back this fall so I think they’re worth a repeat paying for their tickets to see.

A Peter White Christmas with Rick Braun and Mindi Abair will also be returning this year. I didn’t get to go last year because it was sold out, but I WILL be purchasing tickets during the student rush sale this year to make sure I make it.

The plan is to buy two tickets to these concerts and make sure I have someone to go with, preferably male. I mean, a year left of college, I need some experience as I’m sure once I cross that stage, opportunities to meet people will be even less…gotta at least try to make headway toward that Mrs. Degree…

Check out the Schedule

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