Fallen Idols


OHHHH woooooww…..

So I’m making a round of gossip blogs. I haven’t been to them lately as I’m on dial up and they are content rich places that take forever to load, but I was bored and couldn’t sleep sooo…

WHOA have I missed out on a lot!

Nick Cannon Sex tapes?!?!

Why did I laugh for about ten minutes after I read that headline? He is one of the lamest dudes ever to me. And what’s worse, they were supposedly made when he was 19 and on that lame All That show on Nickelodeon…the height of his career…lol, lol, lmao…

Now if you’ve read my blog for a little while, you might have picked up on me being a bit of a fan of Melyssa Ford. She along with Rhianna are some of God’s greatest examples of female beauty in my opinion. Rhianna’s face on Melyssa body was my definition of a perfect physical example of a female. And they are both frequently used as my blog header models.

I’ve just seen something that has made me upset though. Melyssa. What’s really going on…

What happened?!

Ms. Ford. You were one of my idols. I looked up to you so much. You could pretty much break any male because, I can’t even hate, your body was out of this world. You had what every female wishes they had, what every female strives for. The 36 24 36. The Jessica Rabbit. Heck, you WERE Jessica Rabbit! and now…

Your booty. It’s gone.

Now you’re just “Bang, bang” instead of “bang, bang, bang.”

Why did you lose the weight?! You were perfect! I’m so disappointed in you. I had even started a new layout featuring you, but now…


Your once “smallest” fan,

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Same script different cast
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Everywhere but here


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