F you Uncle Sam…

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I’m a bit perturbed.

I just did my taxes for 2007.

Longtime readers of my blog might remember that my father stopped paying for college sophomore year due to a bad semester in college…despite me having the highest GPA by far than ALL my sisters…AND he still paid their tuition.

He said it was because my priorities we messed up and I was too busy partying and such.

CLEARLY he didn’t know me that well. That semester, I was slap in my room all day, all weekend, doing nothing as I had no social life until my last year or so of college.

I was especially perturbed at the time as both my sisters were quite popular…one was all up in the frat parties every weekend, the other was at the club Thursday- Sunday…

AND during my “bad semester” my grades were STILL higher than theirs!

Yet they went to college fo FREE while hermit me had to get a loan and pay for myself…



So I’m doing my taxes for the first time and my father is claiming me as a dependent…why?

I guess I did live with them for four months, but when you claim people as dependents, that means that so called dependent can’t get deductions for college expenses…

Which I think is a bit unfair…

I’m paying loans, had to pay for $2000 worth of books, etc…he didn’t contribute A DIME yet he gets the tax benefit.


I think they should change the rules about things like that. I know plenty of people who are “dependents” but pay their own way through college.

It ain’t fair. IT AIN’T FAIR!

In other news…

I barely made it back to Virginia. Traffic + me returning a water bottle to a friend + airtran’s broken byepass checkin = me running up to the gate just as they were closing the doors. They let me on though (and a passenger had to deplane..sorry! You will be blessed for your good nature though, for real).

I’d rather be down south for real though…I actually had the windows down…and could have worn shorts and flip flops…it was so warm and wonderful.

Unlike this place…back to 20 degree weather and snow.



(Clearly I’m showing my youngest child syndrome today with all my whining. It’s really all because I miss someone…this is going to be the longest two weeks EVER!)

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1 Comment

  • March 3, 2008 at 5:57 pm

    girl yes, I went out yesterday like I just KNEW it was summer. It was good. And I COMPLETELY understand the whole parents benefit, that happened to me but Im still at hm. I would check into that though cause if u were out the majority, I don’t think it’s fair for him to claim you. Just me opinion!


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