Exercises in Character


Sitting at work waiting for the traffic to die down.

So news of those trips I mentioned in the last entry?

I’m going to swallow my total desire to go on them and give my team first dibs to go.

It would be so easy to be like “welp! I’m the most qualified to represent the firm and [insert federal agency here] given that this is my capability and I have cross federal experience to quickly calibrate to local environments!”

But my team, and one person in particular, is just as qualified and deserves the opportunity to go more than I do. Though I know more about the suite of software as a whole, she’s actually worked on that particular module more recently than I have though she doesn’t anymore.

But what kind of manager would I be take amazing opportunities like that for myself? They need those opportunities to grow more than I do.

I should find solace in the fact that they trust the team I’ve built to invest thousands of dollars to send us around the world to do our work.

I should be proud that they had no idea what UX is, and now, due to me evangelizing the capability with client leadership, firm leadership, and with my client’s customers, and putting my people through extensive training, they want to embed the processes I’ve been preaching about in their projects.

I should be ecstatic that my peeps are being recognized for their amazing work both among firm colleagues and at the client for truly improving their projects and the reception of their applications.

UX is truly taking over the world…and I’m excited that people are believing in us!

But man oh man….I am greeeeeeeeeeen!



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  • July 14, 2015 at 9:46 pm

    I say take those trips. You’ll not just satisfy your Taurean desire for this (Thailand) and this (South Africa),
    but you’ll have to do some of the things you say you’re not really interested in doing when you travel. Working abroad, even for a short time, will also do you good.

    • July 15, 2015 at 12:57 am

      I mean….but the people part. I’d be more excited about pretty earths.

      I feel like it won’t happen though. It was mentioned as an almost certainty, but that project manager has since p’d off leadership.

      And I’d still feel bad about taking it for me. My anti-altruism theoretical objectivism is all talk.

      Time will reveal.


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