Everywhere but here


This week hundreds of thousands of people are converging on the country of Germany for a worldwide event. Festivals, betting pools, and the accrual of alcoholic beverages are being stocked for a month long event that will be televised throughout the world.

And Americans as usual have their heads in the sand.

What might I be speaking of you ask?

The FIFA World Cup.

(That’s Soccer for you less informed readers.)

I always wondered why soccer is popular everywhere else in the world but here. I mean, the sport is as physical and demanding as any other…plus they do it without all the pads AND the players are aesthetically pleasing.

I used to play soccer myself a few years back. During that time, Adidas ruled and male soccer players were, “hot.” After an unfortunate head injury involving me and a badly placed head during a game, my mother got scared and made me stop playing.

Unfortunate indeed.

On the upside though, when the Cup was in America, M&M Mars, or Snickers to be more specific was a main sponsor. Since my father works for M&M Mars we got some free tickets. The plant in Waco took a road trip up to Dallas for the festivities. Fun times. We saw the Netherlands lose to Brazil and that’s pretty much when I realized for the first time just how big soccer was.

…and when I became a fan of Brazil.


Anyway, I guess my point for even mentioning this event was just to make people aware. Check it out! Watch a game or two, or even better, go to a sports bar somewhere where you know people will be watching. You might just get swept up in their excitement and become a fan yourself.

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