Dream Themes


My brain mostly likes to take the road more traveled.

Dreamwise, the themes are mostly the same, but there have been a few developments. Herein lies what’s in the realm of dream possibilities according to KaNisa’s subconscious :

I have a career, but it’s not at my current company.

This is new. Before, I worked for my specific company, but now it’s that I have generic career, I’m in middle management, and the HQ is based in DC.

I have a career and a college degree, but am pursuing a second B.S.

Also new, but only because I was in high school with a college degree and career before.  I also am not at a specific college, but a generic one.

I’m remodeling a large house.

The house is old and huge, lots of wings. I also understand that the upstairs is haunted. I’m not afraid though. I go up and chat with the ghosts sometimes. The plan is to work it out so I can use that part as a bed and breakfast eventually.

I’m looking at buying a townhome in a live/work/play area.

This townhome is new construction and has an open foyer with stairs.  It’s also green on the outside and has a veranda porch. The  townhome itself never has furniture in it. Sometimes it’s understood that I’ve bought it and may be carrying two mortgages…and I’m nervous that I haven’t been paying one of them (?!?)

I’m cool with a certain well known person.

Or at least they’re familiar with me. Not SUPER close, and they don’t often make appearances in my dreams, but it’s understood that they know me in them. Sometimes music festivals happen and I somehow have backstage passes. About 70% of the time though, they’re gone by the time I get back there because of long lines and me having to go through empty schools to get there (?!? I don’t know the reasons…) Also, in dream there’s a harem? And they’re like “welcome to the sisterhood!” And I’m like uh…nah I’m good because I have huge fears about being thought of as a groupie or disposable person.

Alien/Robot Invasions/Sailor Moon Powers

Always a thing. Recently it’s been sentinel robots being sent into a school I’m at ahead of the end of the world. Their scanners have a weakness though…they can’t see you if you’re not on the ground. I encourage people to climb into the ceiling since schools have drop ceiling tiles like this :



Yeah…those are the recurring dream themes of the moment.

My dreams never come true… (obvs) it truly is just a filing of whatever I thought about that day. Maybe I’ll pull out one of those dictionaries and see if there’s any meaning to them…especially the house related ones because those come up a lot…

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