Don’t You EVER touch my stereo!


Wow totally adding someone to my all time favorites list.

First though, I would like to make an addition to my “hawkers” list from a few days ago…Chaka Khan. My bad for leaving her off.


Right now, the list of my all time favorites is a very short one, in fact, until today, there was only one person on it.

To make this list, the artist must demonstrate a high level of talent that transcends time. The type of music they create has the capability to be popular in any time period because it was so different than anything else on the radio. The artist himself never backed down to the record labels and always stayed true to themselves. Their music wasn’t always popular, especially in recent years, but early in their careers they shattered records in the music scene and became legends.

The first recipient of the KaNisa’s lifetime music award…

Michael Jackson

I mean really? What entertainer has even come remotely close to what this man has done, other than my next recipient? He dominated the 80’s and early 90’s with his unique sound. He’s a creative genius that is misunderstood, but they do say there’s a thin line between genius and insanity. He’s influenced just about every male R&B singer in the last 20 years and set a standard that every entertainer should live up to, even though they will never compare. Michael, I don’t care what anyone says, you are and will always be the King.

Why didn’t as many people check out his Invincible album? It was actually really great, on par with what Michael was always known to produce…yet it didn’t do well at all…


The next recipient of the KaNisa’s lifetime music award…

The Artist Formerly Known as Prince

This man has always been about the music. He combined so many genres under one umbrella of just, “Prince.” Back in the day, he was quite nasty, but no one could deny that his music was otherworldly almost. It was soulful, it had emotion, even today, it’s he’s what music should be. It’s beyond me that Musicology didn’t go platinum. Did anyone hear it? Every single song on that album was golden, platinum, shoot DIAMOND! And it has a message…

Both of these artists, nobody can touch them. I think these are the legends who will definitely be getting their lifetime achievement awards from the Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences in 20 or 30 years.

You know, it’s terrible that our living legends aren’t promoted as much as people with not even an inch of their talent…

It’s also a shame…if Micheal was still Black and normal, he could get it. Prince too.

*goes off to watch her copy of Jackson’s American Dream….

“I don’t want chu, I don’t want chu, I don’t want chu, I don’t want chu, no mo….”

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