Daaaannce to the Music!

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Today’s the day!

In just a few short hours, I shall be stomping around my old stomping grounds in Atlanta, GA!

Back to the place where Black people date Black people!

Back to the place where people in large numbers know me! (I ran thangs!!! Well…I ran a niche…kind of…)

Back to the place where I spent 4.5 long years and hated every minute but now miss more than ever!

Back to Ma Tech! (Georgia Tech)

It’s SO MUCH FUN to go back when you don’t have papers, exams, and entire books to read in a day hanging over your head…

Should be an inter-resting weekend.

Today and tomorrow will be spent in Atlanta and Saturday and Sunday will be in South Georgia. My mother’s birthday is next week so the whole fam is convening on the house this weekend to celebrate her 55 years of life.

As they say, you will never be loved by ANYONE as much as you are loved by yo mama.

I really hate all the TSA regulations…I’m trying to figure out how to smuggle my braid care things in my stuff since people tend to lose my luggage A LOT. I’m trying not to check any since I’ll be running to an event as soon as I get off the plane. For some reason I thought it started later than it does or else I would have planned better.

I’m excited and a tiny bit concerned as I didn’t confirm the place I was going to stay…I wouldn’t mind paying for a hotel though. It’s kind of a hassle to stay in someone’s dorm/apartment just because you don’t have a key and you have to tailor your whole day around their schedule…so yeah. Hopefully there will be some vacancies somewhere…

Yay for nice weather and temperatures higher than 22 degrees!

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1 Comment

  • February 29, 2008 at 2:18 pm

    Have fun KaNisa! And Happy Birthday to your mommy.


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