Cultural Cornicopia


So many things to discuss today

– At least one boyfriend gets a KaNisa stamp of Approval
– Black people in IFC or Panhellenic Organizations
– Being greek, the nerdy girl dream
– Re-virginization, Valentines gifts of the new millennium

Stamp of Approval

Design for the internet was check email/look at people’s blogs time as usual. Today though I actually spent a considerable amount of time doing actual class work as we now do in class projects. I was pretty excited about that…


As I walked out, I was met by a very well dressed actually cute, well, actually kind of “fione” as some people say, mullato male. He was holding a vase full of beautiful flowers. I slowly walked past him and lingered a little to see who he was waiting for. The lucky recipient came out of the classroom looking so surprised…. apparently he’d driven all night from Ohio to personally deliver flowers to her in her 9:30 class…of course he was a little late, but who is that thoughtful these days? And he was gorgeous too? I WANT ONE!

Black People in IFC or Panhellenic Organizations

(For the uninformed, the Intrafaternity and Panhellenic Councils are predominately white Greek organizations. )

As I was standing in line to get my lunch today, I noticed a black male with a IFC formal t-shirt on. He was accompanied by other males wearing their letters. Drawing from this information, I assumed that this black male was also a member of the Fraternity.

I always wondered why a black person would join an IFC or Panhellenic organization. Why not join one of the Divine Nine? I know people have their own reasons for joining what they join, but for some reason, I get so bothered when I see that. Maybe it’s just me going through my black identity phase (c) Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria but the whole things sounds a little house negro to me…

The nerdy Girl Dream –

disclaimer: this is about to be mean…sorry…but it’s just how i feel..

Today I also noticed a girl from a new sorority that was chartered on campus recently. She was the ultimate nerdy Becky, the type people made fun of or was used for target practice when playing dodgeball.

Once again, why can’t you join one of the 19 Panhellenic organizations on campus? It seems like you wanted to charter a new one because you didn’t want to go through the humiliation of not being chosen. I bet you thought if you just chartered a new one, you would feel included and that you’re not as much of an outcast as you think you are.

*end mean rant

Re-virginization, Valentines gifts of the new millennium

You too can be a 40-year-old virgin
Someone told me that women are having their vaginas rejuvenated.
That’s right, rejuvenated and reconstructed and revirginized even. I
thought they were kidding. But my producer and I looked into it, and
sure enough, it’s an emerging surgical trend.

Vaginal rejuvenation costs thousands of dollars and is done with a
laser. It includes a variety of procedures, such as women getting
their labia made smaller because it is uncomfortable for them to
engage in physical activity or have intercourse, women getting their
vaginal canal tightened as it was pre-baby delivery, and other women
going one step further by getting their hymen (the gateway to the
vaginal canal) tightened. This last procedure can, in a sense, make a
woman a virgin again.

In many instances, the women who get this surgery need it for medical
reasons. But not all. Some women do this as a gift to their husband or
significant other.

I interviewed one couple for this story who has been married 18 years
and has two children. The wife recently had her hymen replaced as an
anniversary gift for her husband. We also talked with the doctor who
did the surgery and even got to be in the operating room during
another woman’s surgery.

You can see the video (the PG version) tonight, February 14th,
Valentine’s Day. These women say it’s the perfect gift. But beware, it
isn’t cheap.

Are you f-ing kidding me? That is out of control. I could understand if you wanted to do that for health reasons, but as another form of cosmetic surgery for no real reason?!


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