

My brain was really active last night.

I had an interesting cornucopia of dreams, some which I don’t remember entirely, but I do know all of them were quite interesting.

The first one I believe came from me wanting to play Prince of Persia before going to bed and not being able to find the disk.

Whenever I play computer games in my dreams, I somehow always get sucked into them. I was the “Princess of Persia,” the Prince’s sister. There was nothing too interesting happening other than me running along walls, avoiding spiky traps, and chasing after fast moving boats to recapture a lost powerful statute of my kingdom…

Another dream involved me and my roommates. I had some kind of special digital camera that allowed me to take pictures of other people with the same camera, regardless of where they were. The ex had just gotten the same type of camera, and while we were trying to figure out how it worked, I got transported to where he was Myst linking book style from back in the day.

Somehow, the rest of my most recent roommates were also transported. He had random people in his apartment. I saw his godson there and he was in wonderment that I knew so much about him.

So everyone was hanging out for a while and suddenly the lights went out. We could se two people coming toward us, one female the other male. Everyone in the room start clapping and a spotlight was put on the couple. It was the ex and his fiancé. I hadn’t met her before, so I was kind of curious as to what she was like. She sat on a couch near me and I just watched her, not saying anything. The ex sat down next to her and she kind of lounged on him. Not in a “this is mine so back off way” but in an I’m about to go to sleep because I’m bored and or drunk sort of way.

I wanted and tried to talk to her, but she wasn’t very responsive. Giving up, I went to go look for the camera to transport everyone back home, but not before hugging the ex’s fiancé and kissing her personal biscuit. (I literally mean biscuit too. A piece of bread. For some reason, I associated it with her).

After finding the camera, I couldn’t figure out how to transport back. It was getting more and more important TO get back because we had to check out by noon and it was 11:30. Eventually around 11:57, I figured out that you have to move the camera in your destination to something you can focus on really well. Then you’re supposed to stare at it until you can no longer discern if you’re looking at a picture or the real thing. The moment it looks real, you’re transported back.

I was transported to my room at home seemingly until I opened my bedroom door and found myself at the school where  I went to fifth and sixth grade/my high school (they were both combined). I knew inherently that I was supposed to be in class, so I went to Algebra (?) and my other roommates were already there.

The rest of the dreams made even less sense than these. I vaguely remember David Blaine attempting a record of having his head in a fishbowl for seven days…

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