Commercial Sirens


Do you ever flip through channels on your tv and get stuck on a certain commercial or show?

I’ve been having trouble with that lately. After watching a late night episode of Home Improvement, an infomercial for a Magic Bullet System came on.

I absolutely can not change the channel…it’s so attractive to watch. Although the little blinder looked strangely like a penis, all the things you can do with it though are really handy. The point is though, out of over two hundred channels, why am I sitting here watching an infomercial?

The same thing happened with an ipod commercial I saw earlier. They have a certain…”I don’t know what” about them. When they come on, I can’t take my eyes off of them. They’re so fun and energetic.

Then the ever famous TV guide channel…the way those channels scroll, the music that sometimes plays in the background…at school, they used to play those “Pure Moods” songs on that channel and man…I’d get mesmerized for hours…

(okay not really HOURS, but for a significant amount of time.)

I guess that’s the purpose of such advertisements, but it still doesn’t make me want to buy anything.

Man that little Penis Bullet thing is 100 bucks?!?! HAAAAAAAILLLLLL NAW!!!!

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