Commander in Chief


I was a little late on the uptake with this show, but I’ve managed to catch the last two episodes. For the uninformed, Commander in chief is a show on ABC that details the life of the first female American president. I know it’s just a show, but man, Geena Davis certainly makes for a convincing one. I’d vote for her!

I think the show is a little optimistic though. Not only is the President a female, but the next person in command is a black male, and where the plot lies now, he’s actually about to step up to the vice president position.

I wonder if America is ready for such monumental changes in our governments’ executive branch. A female president? A black vice president?

Personally I think it could work, for years, other countries have been run by females and run quite well I might add. In America, I think, the biggest problem they would have is the American public, not any real worldwide issues they would have to come across.

The females thinking that women should stay barefoot and pregnant, the men who think the same. Actually I think there are as many females as males that think that. We are our own worse enemy sometimes.

Then we have the “Uncle Ruckus” (a la Boondocks) black people, or for those who don’t watch boondocks, the crab in the barrel mentality some black people have…

Not to discount racial or gender prejudices from opposite parties, but I really think prejudices from our own camps make up most of the opposition toward progressive movement in political situations. Why is that?

For shame.

Commander in Chief
Wednesdays @ 10 PM EST

For the more fortunate high speed holdesr, you can watch episodes online on

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