Classic Recap


Weeeelll…back in the A.

I guess I’m ready to be back, though I swear I could stay in New Orleans forever. I am in LOVE with that city.

Here’s a recap:


Be picked up by parents. Travel about 30 minutes outside of Atlanta. Stay at the most random off brand hotel ever and sleep lightly so as not to sleep through being pillaged.


Arise early and travel the rest of the way to Prairieville/Gonzales Louisiana. (aka sleep the whole way).

Make first round of family visits.

Vow to never go anywhere with my parents again as they seem to know and have the obligation to visit everyone between New Orleans and Lafayette.

Hear about frequent shootings in south Baton Rouge.

Learn that we are going there to visit cousins.

Tell my parents, “um…this is a place we should go?!?!”

Visit anyway.

Return to Prairieville & sleep.


Wake up and receive more family members.


Visit family members part II.

Find that I have a few Smelta Delta cousins.

Delta Cousins

My Delta cousins who all pledged before 1955.

Ask what pledging was like back in the day. Receive helpful knowledge. View her collection over over 100 elephants.


My cousin’s elephant collection. SKEEEE WEEE! (*humph)

(for the uninformed, it is said that the “skee wee” call came from the sound a mouse makes to scare elephants.)

Return to Prairieville & take a nap.

Collect cousins and go to the N.O.



Eat at Red Fish Grill & continue to the metro (for the uninformed, that’s a club).


Return to Prairieville and go shopping with other cousins around 4 AM.

(notice no mention of sleep between those)

Return from shopping and take a nap.

Wake up and travel back to the NO for the step show/battle of the bands.

Mass text message people listing reasons why they should have came.

See Southern’s Human Jukebox completely devastate Grambling’s poor man Uncle Tom band.

Return to Prairieville.


Wake up and return to the NO.

Have a po-boy at Meme’s café.

Go to football game.

The Human Jukebox

The Human Jukebox

Leave after halftime.

Collect booty from various vendors outside the Superdome.


I used to think the Superdome was a spaceship when I was little. I always thought it took off while we were in it

Get on the road back home.

The Mighty Lake Pontchartrain

The Mighty Lake Pontchartrain

Be dismayed at Tech’s lack of winning the game against a very lame Georgia.

Stop in Mobile, Alabama.

Unwillingly spend the night at a hotel in an area of Mobile that I was somewhat familiar with from a certain trip taken a few years ago to be with the person who shall not be mentioned for my birthday.

Curse and shake my fist at the heavens.

Develop an irrational hate for the state of Alabama.

Be annoyed at my father turning up the tv to insane volume levels despite the fact his wife and youngest daughter were trying to sleep.

Go to the bathroom and alternate reading and shaking my fist at my father behind a closed door.

Sleep finally when he decides to turn off the TV.

Wake up and drive the rest of the way back to the A.

Note: All photos were taken with my new Razor.

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  • December 2, 2006 at 8:22 am

    Glad you had a great time in La. I miss the Bayou Classic days. And um about those Delta cousins of yours, well…….OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPP!

  • December 2, 2006 at 11:56 am

    None of that…NONE OF THAT!!!!! Lol…


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