Circle of Life


Every day I’m amazed by the power of mother nature or in essence, God. It’s absolutely awesome how nature works, and I don’t mean awesome like, “wow, that’s really cool,” I mean literally it makes me full of awe the things that Nature is capable of.

I was up late tonight watching a docu-drama on the Discovery Channel about a volcano that erupted over a hundred years ago. That may seem like, “wow interesting.”, but it was really incredible the way the volcano completely devastated an entire section of the world and even the entire world itself.

They say that when this volcano erupted, the actual force of it equaled 13,000 atomic bombs. THIRTEEN THOUSAND. Just as a reminder, here’s what just one atomic bomb did to Hiroshima.

Now imagine what thirteen thousand could do.

They say the sound the volcano made had a hearing radius of three thousand miles. That means if such an occurrence happened in New York City, the explosion could be heard simultaneously in both London and Los Angeles.

They say the shockwaves rocked boats as far away as South Africa. Here’s map. You can see for yourself just how far away that was:

When the volcano finally collapsed under all the pressure, it created a tsunami 30 meters high or to translate, that’s almost 100 feet or maybe a ten story building.

On a worldwide scale, the eruption caused the entire world temperature to dip in the span of five years.

Overall over 36,000 souls were lost.

So do you think that this eruption has nothing to do with you? Do you think that you have no connection to it and that no one really cares? Here’s an interesting tidbit for you. If you’ve ever visited Starbucks or whatever your favorite coffee shop is and had a cup of maybe Sumatra or Kraktoa, you can thank this eruption for smothering the land these coffee beans grow in and creating the bold taste you’ve enjoyed. This volcano was Kraktoa and it was located between the islands of Sumatra and Java in Indonesia.

The circle of life rules us all…

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