Christmas, Yo!


Ah…let’s see what’s going on as of late.

Babysat one of my prophyte’s kids. She was so precious, calling a nutcracker a “crack a nut”…

Ah kids….*wipes tear.

By the way, does anyone remember those Corn nut commercials from say the mid 90’s? The jingle went something like, “bust a nut, bust a nut. Everybody turn around and bust a nut!”

I remember my sister looking at me like I was crazy one day when I sang that repeatedly not knowing what such a phrase meant…

In other news….

Christmastime is here!

Normally I would be super excited and candied and Christmas musik-ed out by now, but being busy has desensitized me to the season. I’m going to really be getting into the spirit soon though. For the first time in years, Christmas will actually be at home with all my sisters present!

Usually everyone is spread out or we’re traveling, but it worked out so that we’ll all be together for at least two days before a sister goes back to slave for Disney…

…A DIFFERENT WORLD IS ON! YES! (Sorry…it usually doesn’t come on until 4…guess they’re moving stuff around)…

But yeah. Yay Christmas.

Parents are hosting the company Christmas party at the house again which should be interesting. Last year, a bird flew into the house, upstairs, and into my room before it met its demise. It was especially hilarious when my dad carried it out to cheers of “you da man, Donnie” from drunk people of the Caucasian persuasion…

I wonder what new adventures will take place this year…

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