Christmas Highlights


Here are a couple of noteworthy presents:

The Complete Collection of Nella Larsen

Get Lifted Special Edition (includes a DVD of him Live at the House of Blues in LA)

There were hardly any blackies there. Here’s a screen capture of him looking for some…

where did black people go? I wonder where they ran off to...

Did you know Mr. Stephens did the piano part of “Encore” for Jay Z?

AND he worked on

Dilated Peoples…”This Way”

You know that hippity hoppity song that goes, “I can’t live my…I , I can’t live my…”


Of course what most people know him for…

Alicia Keys “You Don’t Know My Name”



Good stuff.

I had to turn it off though when my mother would not stop going on about what she calls his “sexy lips.”

I was like…


His nerdiness is adorable though…

In other news…

Got a couple of 360 games…Kameo and Sonic the Hedgehog…and a subscription to Xbox live.

And the 2-disc special edition of The Little Mermaid.

Which is pretty neat. I have a history with that movie…I remember the day I got it….perhaps I’ll tell that story one day.

It’s interesting to see how we act when we all get together. My parents act extra civil as my eldest sister only comes home once a year due to medical school. She usually has the entire family bending to her will since we never see her.

The middle one does her best to stand out by bragging about her job or the people she knows. I swear, dinner yesterday, no one spoke but her, and it was about her new blackberry and how she always has to be on call. (Works for Disney.)

I’m not sure what I do. I think in the past I usually tried my best to impress my sisters somehow, you know how the youngest always trails after the older siblings…

This year though, I suppose I was the comedian. Father asked what kind of fish mother made for dinner. Though I’m sure he meant species, I just bluntly said, “burnt.”

(I suppose you had to be there…but it was pretty funny…it was unintentionally blackened…all in love)

Actually I did catch myself being extra cynical…some of my clues for this game called “catch the phrase” were really terrible yet effective, and the bad thing about it was it really was the first thing that came to mind.

(Catch the phrase is a game where you try to get people on your team to guess the phrase on this thing you pass around.)

This shouldn’t be funny at all, but the whole family burst out laughing when the clue I had for “diabetes” was, “this is what mother has.” They got it immediately though!

I think my sense of humor might be from them though…I remember my mother laughing about a decapitated baby…she says you have to laugh to forget it’s so horrible.

We all looked at her crazy that thime though…

I guess I should try not to be so cynical, but I can’t help it. No use being all optimistic when…

Uhhhh…this entry is taking a turn…let me stop.

Other than the power going on and off…then off for about two hours (which was okay as we ate around 1), it was a good Christmas.


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