Chiron Signs



Astrologers often call Chiron, a planetoid orbiting the outer realms of our Solar System, the Wounded Healer. This celestial body takes its name from a Centaur from Greek mythology who, after being abandoned by his parents, matured into a wise and giving healer and teacher. Because Zeus, god of all of the gods, was his father, Chiron was immortal. When beset upon by great pain from a poison arrow, Chiron prayed to the gods to let him die. His wish was granted. In his life, he overcame personal issues and used the lessons learned to help and heal others. Coinciding with Chiron’s discovery in 1977 was a surge of interest in New Age healing and holistic therapies; Chiron became a natural symbol for healing through pain that has been borne. A more recent example of a Chironic influence would be celebrities or athletes who use their personal tribulations to raise awareness — like Christopher Reeve with his work toward a cure for paralysis or Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong’s fundraising efforts for cancer research.

On a personal level, the greatest pain or burden one bears — usually in childhood — and eventually overcomes is the source of great wisdom and healing power for others. Where Chiron finds itself in your chart is an indication of lessons you must learn and the lessons you may one day be able to teach.

My Chiron is in Gemini

If Chiron falls in Gemini in your chart, you bear a pain of doubting your mental capacities. This placement makes for a person who exhaustively seeks knowledge or becomes resentful of those who seem naturally gifted with words and ideas. At the heart of Gemini is a need to be heard and understood. Gemini loves to talk and have people listening intently, but with Chiron in Gemini, you feel as though your ideas fall on deaf ears or, if they are heard, are victim to ridicule. Rather than feeling ignorant for what you feel you don’t know, Chiron in Gemini encourages you to make the most of what you already know within your heart. By cherishing your natural talents and instincts, you are able to open yourself (and your wound) up to the world and share what you’ve learned from your pain. Give your time to causes dealing with learning disorders or literacy, or any situations in which people fear that their intellectual resources are lacking.

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