Childhood Memories


So I was watching an episode of the Cosby show the other day. It was the infamous Alicia Keys looks like a boy episode. During said episode, I had a couple of epiphanies.

A lot of those rhymes we used to do back in the day on the playground made absolutely no sense whatsoever, but the thing that blows my mind is how sexual/violent/offensive all those were! What was really going on? We were a bunch of freaks at age five!

It’s also amazing that a lot of people know these rhymes regardless of race, age, or location. Such wide appeal…and they were sung everywhere! From sea to shining sea! And it was passed by word of mouth too…

What do the youngin’ sing now? The lyrics to those hipptiy hoppity songs?

For shame.

Anyway Take a look and see how many you remember:

Uno, dos, siesta
I said a-east, a-west
I met my boyfriend at the candy store
He bought me ice cream, he bought me cake
He brought me home with a belly ache
Mama mama, I’m so sick
Call the doctor quick quick quick
Doctor, doctor will I die?
Count to five and you’ll be alright
I said, a-one, a-two, a-three, a-four, a-five
I’m alive!

dressed in yella,
went upstairs to kiss a fella.
By mistake –
she kissed a snake!
How may doctors did it take?
1,2,3,4, …

My name is…
L-I, L-I,
Chick-a-li, chick-a-li,
Pom-Pomn beauty,
Don’t drink whiskey,
American Chief!

Comet, it makes your teeth turn green.
Comet, it makes your mouth so clean.
Comet, it makes you vomit,
So why not try it, and vomit today?

Joy to the world, the teacher’s dead is dead
We barbecued her head.
What happened to her body?
We flushed it down the potty.
And around and around it goes
And around and around it goes.
And around, around, around it goes.

Apples on a stick
make me sick
Make my heart go
Not because they’re dirty
Not because they’re clean
Not because they kiss the boys
behind the magazine
So come on girls
lets have some fun
Here comes (insert name here)
with their pants undone.
They can wiggle,
They can wobble,
They can do the splits.
But I betcha five dollars
they can’t do this!
Close their eyes and count to ten.
If (he/she) misses (he’s/she’s) a big fat HEN!

Yankie Doodle went to town
riding on his mother.
Every time he hit a bump
he had a baby brother.

Row Row Row your boat
gently down the stream
Throw your teacher overboard
and listen to her scream.

Miss Sue, (clap, clap)
Miss Sue (clap, clap)
Miss Sue from Alabama,
Let’s make a movie,
Sittin’ in a rocker,
Eatin’ Betty Crocker,
Hey wise girl,
Whatcha gonna do,
When your mama’s at work,
Baby’s got the flu,
Daddy’s got the chicken pox,
And so do you?
Take an a b c d e f g,
Take an h i j k l m n o p,
Take a booty shot,
take a booty shot,

One day when I was walking,
a walking to the fair,
I met a senorita with a flower in her hair.
Oh shake your seniorita,
shake it if you dare.
Shake it down,
touch the ground
and come back up again.

::shakes her senorita to bed::

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