Case of the Misplaced Phone


Picture it.

Friday. April 20. 2007.

I was at free TEE (TI) concert with my mentee (brought to us by the people of Tech for student appreciation day). We went to the bathroom ‘cause I had to use it.

In my desperation to not wet myself, I set my purse on the ground and set my phone down next to it. I was so relieved after doin’ da business, I neglected to pick up my phone when I left the stall. After washing my hands, I took my mentee to her mother.

After the concert, I was planning on hooking up with my boy. I reached into my purse for my phone, only to find that it wasn’t there. Panicked, I returned to the bathroom where I had “done the business” not 10 minutes earlier to see a janitor standing outside of it.

I asked, “excuse me miss, have you found a telephone?”

“Que,” she responded. (Yeah right…telephone is practically a cognate, she knew what I was saying.)

I repeated myself in Spanish, “Encontró un teléfono?”

Oh no no. She said…whilst looking in a panicked way at her helper…

“MMMph,” I thought to myself as I entered the bathroom to have myself a look see.

After I didn’t find anything, I checked the lost and found as well as the concert’s security, but to no avail.

I called it a night.

Saturday. April 21, 2007.

I filed a PO-lice report with the Georgia Tech police. The good people at Alltel said that would be needed to get the phone replaced since I had insurance on it.

Sunday. April 22, 2007

No news.

Monday , April 23, 2007

I receive a telephone call. It is some company asking for a person name Conshequita.

MMph indeed…

The plot thickens…

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