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What day is it anyway?

Please don’t say it’s just Tuesday…

I got this.

Pretty much stuff I already knew…these astro profiles don’t vary too much. It’s still a nice keepsake though.

I keep reading that I as a Taurus don’t like things changing on a dime. I never think that’s true until something happens.

Worked on more proposal stuff last night. Last minute request for my support. I’d planned to turn in early as I’m a bit under the weather so I was a bit disappointed.

Headed home, bathed, got in my robe, and watched the requests roll in. Turned them around quickly and turned in round midnight.

Got a request to optimize the graphics at about 11:10 this morning. They needed to turn the document in at noon.

I was getting an early lunch at the time as I had a 12:30 meeting. Work email comes to my phone.

Turns out they had sized the infographics to a really small size to meet page limits…but the infographics were heavy with text…and so were intended to be displayed at full size.

Somehow I finagled the set to be clearer with about 15 minutes to spare.

Last minute stuff irks me…especially when people assume I can drop everything to help them.

I’m sure me setting precedents that I DO drop everything to help people…doesn’t help.

But I feel like not doing so reflects badly on me.

People come to me because I deliver quality stuff in limited time. Is that a bad thing to be known for?

*pours out Dr. P for the contract designer who was let go because I’m like the new infographic maker…I do feel bad about that.

ß Small business killer :(

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