Brought to you by Cupcake Moscato…


About half a glass away from finishing this Cupcake bottle. You know what time it is.

Finally finished The Walking Dead Game. The whole franchise started stronger than it finished unfortunately. I felt like it was 80% talking/cut scenes and 20% game play. A little off…

Finally acclimated to the new BC. It’s that special time so a few active acne, but not much. I was clear earlier this week for the first time in a while. Go horemone regulation!

I can also say that the whoremone regulation has also normalized…though it’s still a bit more active than I’m used to. Not sure if it’s the holidays coming up which brings a greater sensitivity to coupling feelings or what. I’m happy to say though that my standards are still in check.

For the most part.

I just notice people more.

This just came on. Accurate.

My passport came back. Really quick…only took 2 weeks start to finish. I need to find somewhere to go….polled the social networks and they had some good suggestions…

Pre-haps Croatia?


Or Thailand?



I don’t want to go to cliche places…more places on earth that display the natural beauty of our planet.

Bump the people part, honestly not so interested in the cultures right now..


Okay I think I’m done for now.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!!




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