

Look at me America!

KaNisa [middle name here] [last name here]

[insert company here]


Man they tried to stress me out!

My career manager was out of the country all week and I knew the assessment committee was meeting yesterday. I was like sooo who’s presenting my assessment to the committee if she’s out all week?

I was asking around and was trying to track down the program manager on my project who’s also on the committee, but he was like trying not to talk to me. He kept hurrying by me in the hallway and rushing me out of his office before I could ask about it. I thought that meant bad things.

Today I got a call from my career manager saying she needed to get more information to close out my assessment and I was like “wtf? what else could they need since they did the presentations yesterday?” I met her outside the building this afternoon and she had flowers for me….told me the committee voted unanimously that I should be promoted and gave me a copy of the write up.

The program manager from earlier was giving me the run around because he didn’t want to spill the beans first.

So boom! Promoted!

Whole new slew of responsibilities on top of my already heaping plate, but it all doesn’t kick in until January so…

For now…


…and by celebrate, I mean I’m going to bed. Today was exhausting! Led an experience mapping workshop and my brain is overloaded with information.

It’s 6:37 and I’m just now sitting down to eat for the first time today!

Going to need to prioritize my LYFE a bit better going forward with all the new stuff coming in…

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  • November 16, 2012 at 10:31 pm

    Congratulations, KaNisa.

  • November 19, 2012 at 11:09 am
    Pretty Primadonna

    Yay! Congrats!

    • November 19, 2012 at 10:36 pm

      Thank you!


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