Boo + Boo =….


Wow, wow, and WOW.

So….I finally got a router to go with my 360. I gave my roommate her game back and have been playing demos and arcade games on Xbox Live while I wait for the games I ordered to come in.

I called myself downloading a demo for this game called Saint’s Row.  I’d heard of it before because people were putting it on reserve while I worked at Babbage’s and it got all these crazy high ratings and everything…I thought I’d have myself a look see to see what the fuss was about.


I am offended.

So it starts out in this player design panel where you can pick the race and characteristics of the person you’re playing (no females). Then you go and talk to a hooker when at the same time some rival gangs have a shootout nearby. They turn the tables on you but you’re saved by another gang.

You get canonized (beat up) by this gang to become part of it after which you go to buy a gun and kill other random gang members in the city.

There were profane words every two milliseconds, your character does the ghetto limp, there were “wife beaters” and oversized pants involved…

I was like…what in the world…

I mean, I like violent games, I can’t lie. Old school games like Wolfenstien (killing soldiers of Nazi Germany) and Doom myself…but these new fangled games like Saint’s Row and Grand Theft Auto (even though the latter isn’t actually new…)

Too much for me!

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