Black People @ Tech


Oh here we go…

Freedom of speech might be getting out of control over here at Tech.

So recently one of the students that filed a lawsuit against the school as we previously didn’t have total freedom of speech rights. I wrote it about here.

She submitted an article to a conservative magazine website and defamed the African American Student Union and their supporters, especially the Intrafaternity Council President, (IFC is the Caucasian persuasion fraternity council). The article was published again in our campus newspaper’s opinion section along with three other letters opposing her opinion. You can read them here.

It seems like people are either on one side of the fence or the other.

Last week, another article about AASU was in the newspaper. It talked about their purpose as well as had a few examples of why they are necessary to be on campus. One was that a few AASU members attended a party on fraternity row at one of the white frat houses. While they were there, someone asked them, “why are you here? Maybe you should leave.”

Today in a “shoutbox” section of the newspaper where students are free to write whatever someone said, “What do they want to go to school with us for? If you don’t want to get asked to leave a party, make sure you belong there.”

In all my years at Tech, I’ve never seen this much blatant racism. I don’t even know what to say about it, but clearly it might be time for something to go down…

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