Bi-polar days…

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I’m going to take a break from complaining for a while…

penis patrol, lmao..that’s going into my vocabulary.

read about it and learn! THAT GOES FOR MALES AND FEMALES!

Here’s some Sonia Sanchez to enliven your senses. I met her a few years back at a sister’s graduation. She’s a phenomenal woman, so humble and so talented…inspirational.

Blues Haiku
you too slippery
for me. can’t hold you long or
hard. not enough nites.

i have carved your face
on my tounge and i speak you
in my off-key voice.

A song for the sweet honey in the rock

see me thorugh
your own eyes
i am here.

don’t look for me
in poems
i’m not there.

don’t look for me in
shadowy faces
i’m not there.

see me through
your own eyes
i am here.

once. when or with whom
i disappered went
into hiding behind
my own skull
wasn’t seen for a decade or two
wasn’t seen for a decade or two.

now i am back
carrying my life in a small bag
now i am back
holding open my hands
holding open my hands.

see me through
your own smile
i am here.

see me through
your own smell
i am here.

see me through
your own eyes
i am here
i am here…

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1 Comment

  • July 24, 2005 at 5:48 am
    Bullet Proof Diva

    I adore Sonia..she overwhelms me sometimes, sometimes ..taking in her words is like a shot of espresso.

    LOL @ penis patrol in your vocab now, girl I was cracking my own self up with that one…I am so doggone silly!


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