Bend it like…


On my way to get me a hot dog from Jackets, an overpriced yet quaint little place in the student center, I noticed that pretty much every TV was tuned to a soccer game.

I was like, why is everyone watching soccer? It’s not even close to the world cup…and then a lot of the people watching were AMERICAN too.

While I waited for my food, I started watching myself. I started to notice that the people in the restaurant were all speaking Spanish…the dialect from Spain (I was proud because i could understand them and recognized they weren’t speaking latin american spanish). The teams playing were “Mad” and “Ars.” Finally things clicked and realized why everyone was so interested in this particular game.

It was the famous number 23.

Mad was Real Madrid.

It was Beckham.

It was the UEFA Champions League.

The UEFA Champions League is a bit like our NFL finals over here in the land of pigskin.

I usually watch the World Cup and have even been when it was in Dallas a couple of years back. (This year it’s in Germany. GO BRAZIL!) But I never really follow it outside of that.

I always wondered why soccer doesn’t catch on here like it does in the rest of the world. It’s exciting! There are attractive soccer players! It requires insane amounts of athleticism!

Americans are lame.

In other news…

I had a set up in the bathroom last night. I found out my morning class today was canceled and that I only had to go to my noon class. Extra sleep! I thought, but if you know you don’t have to get up, you tend to stay up later.

I cleaned out the tub and made a concoction to exfoliate.

My roommates began to get curious when I started dragging extension cords into the bathroom. And then they heard what sounded like Finding Nemo coming from behind the closed door. (The person DVD thing is pretty handy!) I had fun and was beautiful and smooth afterwards, lol. All to prepare for this mandatory Onyx Ball thing on Friday.


Life has been so busy! I have a meeting or two every day of the week, and social mandatory social engagements in addition to those. Then this weekend, community service in the morning, and supporting the Alphas with their program at night.


And to think I complained that I was bored…

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