Being up before noon for no reason…


is just wrong.

It’s this, the day of us going to Florida, and I have been gipped.

My mother got me up under the impression that everyone was ready but me so I’m rushing and everything only to find that Daddy went somewhere.

I mean Man! I could have been catching some extra Z’s!

Other than that, things have been normal.

I cracked myself up last night when I realized how into this book I’m reading. I caught myself acting like some kind of studio audience with the ooooooOOOOOOoooo’s followed by hysterical laughter. My mother, thinks I’m strange for getting so into those things, but for me, it makes life interesting.

I can’t believe it’s already Thursday and Christmas is only a few short days away. I’m sure these days will pass extra slowly though, actually, let me take that back, they’ll pass quickly because I realized yesterday I left my mother’s present is at school which means I’ll be finding every reason possible to go to the mall. Until that happens, time will run out quickly. Daddy always thinks I want to strut around malls with ‘nalia though and we’re stopping in Jacksonville on the way down (why I don’t know) so I guess we might be at a mall there. Hopefully.

Anyway, if I don’t get a chance to see the internet for a while, Happy Ho…what am I’m saying, MERRY CHRISTMAS to all and to all eat well and all that good stuff.

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LAND! *falls to the ground*


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