Be the change…


…you wish to see and all that.

So slowly repairing the relationship with Dr. Sister.

I’m being won over by my future niece…and finding things for her to do/read/watch/participate in.

Was looking up books for her to read…she’s not a big reader which is unfortunate, but I kinda feel like it’s because she hasn’t been encouraged in it before.

Sending her deez :






Those were my favorites in elementary school that weren’t too long. Sister said to keep it below 150 pages (?!?!)

Besides the non-voracious reader thing, it’s been said that future niece and I have similar personalities; not particularly girly, more logical vs emotional, not boy crazy (she’s 10).

And because of that I kind of want to lean her back into that stuff a little because I know how it is when you get older and you’re jaded by a lot…that gray area thinking my dad mentioned a few months back…not always a bad thing.

I also feel like it would be important to be a little more girly when I’m around her…like make sure I’m dressed well, my hair is in its place, I’m wearing earrings, actually carrying a purse…etc.

(Where I’d normally wear a hoodie, jeans, and chucks…have my hair in a ponytail or a pink bandana…not wearing earrings, hardly ever carry a purse).

Or maybe I can still do my normal stuff, but be sure to look super feminine when the time calls for it?

I’m hosting Christmas this year and future brother in law and future niece are coming down.

I was looking at stuff for everyone to do…saw the Atlanta Ballet his having the Nutcraker at the Fox…that could be a fun “dress up” event!

I also plan to expand the train set collection with a higher end electric set…she could help me put it together.

And sorry, I know they don’t believe in the magical wonderfulness of Santa, but Elf on the Shelf will be in full effect. (I believe!)

Deal with it.

But yeah…she definitely needs some coaching in the womanly ways (lol as do I). Dr. Sister is oblivious too…

Heaven help this little girl…

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