Back to life…back to reality


Well the weekend is over…

As is people’s spring breaks.

I have to say, the last couple of days have been pretty intense and action packed (in a good way).

Thursday: Chillin’ round the house.

Friday: Great Falls & DC

Saturday: Meant to go to Shenandoah National Park, but we just went to IHOP instead and watched movies at home because it rained

Sunday: More movies and moping because GAM had to leave

. . .

Actually that isn’t too action packed at all…LOL

It was a nice visit though…not too long, not too short.

I feel like emotions were running high though…kind of like we were drunk with each other.

They always say in long distance relationships, you try to pack all the emotions and interactions in to the short time you have together…and I can definitely say we made the most of every single second.

Now that he’s gone though, it kind of seems like I dreamed the last couple of days up…I’ve been wanting to get him up here for MONTHS!

That’s funny…that’s the nature of GAM…he really has fulfilled every dream of mine except one…(the one when I take care of him if he has the flu or something…)

Now I gotta dream up some new ones!

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