Back at Home…Kind of

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Well I’m in back in Michigan for the first time in a minute.

I was born in Royal Oaks (outside of Detroit) and raised in Grand Blanc.

It’s kind of neat to be back. There have been changes, but not too many. When we got here, we traveled around hitting the hot spots and visting old neighbors before turning in.

I guess this will be a vacation of sorts, though I would much prefer a vacation that didn’t require tiring myself out…


When I get money, my idea of a break would be going to tropical island where there are NO revelers for peace and quiet. No cell phones, no computers…shoot…NO ELECTRICITY if possible.

All I would do is eat, sleep, and draw flies.

My idea of a vacation would be going to some place like….

Bora Bora:

Bora Bora





F’in sucks man exams last week, meetings this week, traveling for a graduation, and classes start again Monday.

I ain’t get NO kind of break…


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1 Comment

  • May 10, 2007 at 11:04 pm

    TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!!


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