Astrology and “pre-verts”


edited to add: da hail?! And why did I burst our laughing when I saw this…terrible… 

How do you really feel about astrology?

I’d like to believe that I don’t really think much of it, but that’s not the case. What used to be just for fun every once in a while thing turned into something that has become really applicable. Lately the horoscopes on have been EXTREMELY accurate, I’m talking, they give a 99% accurate description of what will go on or what emotions I’ll have that day. It’s strange that the way things are arranged in the sky can predict such things…

I want to do a specific project for this week of blogging. I’ll put my horoscope here and later make comments on how accurate it was for the day. (Of course now that I’m really paying attention, they may not fit, but we’ll see…)

Sun Sign: Taurus October 9, 2006

Are you rather preoccupied today, KaNisa? Something that means a lot to you could require some careful consideration, and so you might be quieter than usual. Loved ones may therefore think that perhaps you’re ill, or upset, or even angry with them. Try talking to them about what’s on your mind; let them know why you’re quiet. That should relieve their fears, and they might even be able to help.

 Numerology Life Path Number 4

You are currently feeling a certain amount of panic due to a chronic lack of assurance in yourself. This is because you are feeling vulnerable in your sentimental life. Be careful about overworking this week even if you can’t completely relax because of the abundance of work. Take some time to rest because you will be saturated if you don’t. In your affective life, family and friends will reproach you for giving too much time to your work and neglecting them. Take action, KaNisa!

We’ll see how those play out.

In other news…

Has anyone read those Foley conversations? ALARMING! I haven’t really been following the story that closely, but I was a little weirded out how normal the Foley dude sounded. For some reason I expected it to be an awkward conversation, but he sounded like a normal everyday pervert. I wonder though what the teenager he was talking to was like. Clearly there were some homosexual tendencies showing on Foley’s part and the kid seemed to be straight. Also heard this is somehow all the Deomocrats fault…

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