Astro Fun


It’s been a while since I delved into this.

I don’t know if I mentioned it, but I got one of these from Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone website :


It’s pretty neat!

Has your name on the cover and addresses you throughout the book.

Everything about the aspects is explained in plain language, and I find myself reading through it a few times a year…to remind myself…about myself.

It keeps me honest, lol.

Here are some highlights :

Sun in Taurus & Related Aspects (Internal Drive)

  • You have a great need for security and you will work hard to obtain it. You are no fan of theories and idealization.
  • Taureans might suffer from internal tension because it’s so hard for them to respond instinctively to troubles. If they are unable to release their feelings of stress, their tension might build up to the point of causing some medical problem. Headaches and stomach problems might be signals for you to watch out for. <Had stomach problems as a kid…and now migraines….turned out those stomach problems were actually juvenile migraines.
  • You feel insecure about your femininity even though you are very feminine and men feel attracted to you because of your feminine approach. < Booty and Breast plan will fix this
  • Money makes you feel good; in fact you’re likely to be extremely successful from a financial point of view. The largest part of your wealth will likely come from hard work. < Note it has to be MY money that I earned or it doesn’t count. Don’t care about other people’s money.
  • With your incredible stamina you always reach the goal you’ve chosen for yourself. < I just can’t meet relationship related ones
  • You tend to underestimate your own talents and abilities. < Really? I thought I did pretty well…
  • It’s important that you have lots of contact with other people. These connections prevent you from sealing yourself off from the world and hiding behind a mask. < Guilty
  • You can sometimes be a little intolerant and find it difficult to accept somebody else’s viewpoint. Be careful not to negate the existence of things that do not fit in with your scheme of reality. < Also Guilty
  • If you don’t receive enough love and attention, you tend to build a wall around yourself, hiding behind a mask of indifference. < Dudes. Who needs them?!

Capricorn Rising (Outward Personality)

  • You are self-assured and disciplined in your dealings in the world and you impress others as being composed, sometimes even withdrawn, especially with strangers
  • You radiate amicability and gentleness, with a certain business-like touch
  • You are warm-hearted and prepared to go great lengths to make other people happy and comfortable, but you remain a bit reserved
  • Your attitude is sober and may even seem devoid of emotion < Geez…a pattern…
  • For you, life is serious business. That’s why you don’t take much of an interest in games or relaxation < Eh. I love video games…but the complicated ones so I guess this is still kinda accurate

Moon in Taurus (Moods and Emotions)
This section might seem to contradict the previous one, but it really doesn’t. I don’t show my emotion via lovey dovey/shouting/etc. Lovey dovey will translate as me spending a lot of time doing something practical for someone…like cooking or making a craft. Shouting/anger will mostly be me saying calmly why I’m upset then not talking to them at all until I feel better about it, if I ever do. People never really get when I’m actually upset at them because I don’t seem upset. It really is a “I don’t love you anymore. Goodbye.” Type situation. Cold blooded.

  • You are quiet, well balanced, and not easily upset.
  • You are strongly attracted to the outdoors.
  • You are generous in giving warmth and affection to loved ones, but also demand your share of affection in return.
  • You don’t say much at first, but as you become better acquainted you start to relax and then become open and gregarious.

Mercury in Aries (Communication Style)
INTJ to the core!

  • You may often be annoyed and impatient with people who aren’t as quick as you are.
  • You search out penetrating, flowing conversation to participate in
  • If someone approaches you with a poorly thought-out opinion or rash idea, you challenge them to produce proof

Venus in Aries (Love Style)
I always thought this was a strange positioning for my Venus. I don’t think I’m this way…but maybe I’m just not aware. Most everything I’ve read said I should be fast and free with my loins and my feelings…and that clearly isn’t the case.

  • It is not your charm that you have to thank for your popularity, but rather, the fact that you are always so completely yourself.
  • You have a fresh outlook and thirst for innovation that grabs and holds people’s attention.
  • Once you’ve made a conquest, the excitement quickly evaporates < Wat?
  • For you, each amorous relationship simply must have a special excitement, inspiring you intellectually as well as emotionally.< I’m a sapiosexual
  • You seek some form of struggle in your relationship, which is why you relish a companion who challenges you, who is unafraid to voice their own (often differing) opinion and with whom you can engage in grand arguments. < Wat again? No. This turns me off SOOOO much. The only way this would work is if the argument is not about a fundamental relationship foundation thing. Like politics. (lol)
  • It is often hard for you to respect your companion as he or she really is and hold them in your esteem. < Yikes! Yeah…sad to admit…need to work on that…
  • You are happiest with independent partners who do their own thing without too much discussion. < Probably true. Grasshopper was comfortably independent. That was cool. Others needed a bit too much coddling…

Mars in Taurus (Where you spend your energy…and sex)

  • There is a tendency to spend a lot of time and energy in earning a good income.
  • You take great pleasure in gardening or cooking or anything that involves your direct, physical contact with matter, be it soil or flour or anything tangible and concrete.
  • You have a strong sensual nature….[redacted…mmm hmm…but for clues, me and Janet Jackson have the same Venus/Mars combination]

Other random aspects

  • Your appearance leads people to have great expectations of you and they are therefore likely to entrust you with heavy responsibilities
  • At times you may be so driven by your work that you don’t leave yourself any time to relax
  • Right from when you were a baby, you had an antenna for moods and emotions in your surroundings.
  • You have true creative inspiration when you are alone, in fact you need seclusion for optimal concentration.
  • Your placement of Neptune in the twelfth house gives a special intuition and even clairvoyance. You may identify with others so strongly that you could have difficulty in differentiating original emotions from externally induced ones. Over the years you will come to turns with it. < Empath hoe!

That was long…props if you actually read all of it.

But yeah the book was pretty spot on, though I’m mad it basically said I’m a mentally fiesty, but otherwise an unadventurous and unemotional workhorse.

I promise my emotions are there. I just don’t express them.

Still waters run deep.

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  • August 23, 2013 at 9:33 am

    Amateurish. Let a real professional read your horoscope.

    The sun will rise in the east and go down in the west. There are planets and moons. You will wake up and sleep. And eat. You will have moods and emotions. Stuff will happen. Tomorrow will be the same.

    Now, don’t ask me how I know this because I will not reveal my secrets.

    • August 23, 2013 at 2:56 pm



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